Auto accidents do not necessarily exclude you if you were not driving a car or truck yourself. In fact, those using other modes of transportation are more likely to be injured in the event that a driver of an automobile hits them. The question remains, can you sue a driver if you were using anything but a car/truck yourself? Let's take a look at the other modes you mi
- Have you been discriminated against at work? Were you wrongfully let go and out of work? Many people who experience situations like these are under the impression that there is nothing that they can do about it. They simply leave and go looking for their next job. While you can certainly do that, there are definitely grievances where you want to make sure that somethi
- Making the decision to end your marriage can be difficult. Dividing up your assets is one of the more challenging aspects of any divorce, but this division of assets can be especially challenging when you and your spouse have pets that you both love. Determining who will retain custody of pets is important when it comes to the success of your divorce. Here are three t
- Education and good console can be the difference between a favorable judgment in a child custody case. Learn the different terminology to know exactly what your rights include. Also, learn how to proceed with the trial in the most productive way: Terminology When children are involved, determining custody is the most important role of the divorce lawyer. Laws va
- Self-driving cars have the potential to reduce or even eliminate many of the issues that currently plague our roadways, from accidents caused by distracted driving to road rage and other reckless behaviors. They also have the potential to eliminate drunk driving and the terrible outcomes that are commonly associated with that dangerous activity. However, self-driving